Monday, December 10, 2012

Shakespeare In Our Schools

Why is it important that we read shakespeare in school?

The study of Shakespeare connects a link to our culture, our history, our language and other factors. It's important that Shakespeare is taught because when teens read his plays they usually can feel a great connection to modern day. His writings provide essential context to our modern language and his influence is extrodinary.

Here are some common sayings that have devloped from Shakespeare:

All of a sudden

All's well that ends well

It's all Greek to me!

Eaten out of house and home

I will wear my heart upon my sleeve

Love is blind

We've seen better days

For goodness' sake

Haven't slept a wink

Have you heard any of these before?



  1. I love the little animation! I agree - Shakespeare is good to teach in schools. You just have to have a good teacher to explain the challenging language.

  2. What an awesome post! Thanks for supporting one of the greatest authors of all time. Unfortunately, many teens do not appreciate him.
